Maine Coons UK Maine Coons UK Rainbow Bridge
Oceanaria Indiana
04.02.07  -  05.08.13
Visa was an absolute wild child. When people said 'Naughty Tortie' I thought it was just a saying, a saying that rhymed. What on earth was I thinking? Visa was afraid of nothing, human, feline, canine, consequences or anything else you care to mention. She had some gorgeous kittens for us and only started her retirement in 2012 where she got to be all she ever wanted, the queen bee.
On Monday 5th August I noticed a little blood around her mouth area I cleaned it up but not 15 minutes later she collapsed. We rushed her to the vets where further investigation revealed an inoperable tumour in her thorax area.
To say we were stunned and shocked was an understatement. Run free at Rainbow Bridge with all your friends sweetheart. You truly was one in a million.